Stunning Portraits Celebrate the Unique Beauty of Freckled Faces


The diversity between people's outward appearances is one of the most fascinating aspects of humanity. Ongoing photography project #Freckles focuses on just one facet of this diversity as a foundation and explores it, celebrating the intense beauty of the spotted phenomena for which it is named. The man behind the camera, Brock Elbank, has collected a series of striking portraits that feature some amazingly speckled individuals.Freckles are interesting subject matter because they seem to create such a divide in opinions–some individuals that have them utterly reject them, while those without unique embellishments seem to covet them. In fact, many freckle-faced children grow up unable to see the beauty within their natural skin blotches. In an interview with Buzzfeed, Elbank has said, “What I find interesting about individual characters that I have been fortunate enough to photograph is that many have struggled with their freckles since their infancy and either hated them, or grown to live with them or even like them in adulthood.” This project emphasizes the inherent beauty of this skin feature, while at the same time showcasing a stunning ethnic diversity between individuals that share this particular genetic variation.

Inspired by a friend's spotted son, Elbank began the extensive project in 2012, only to pause and then restart it again mid-2015. 90 portraits have been collected so far, though he plans to conclude with a total 150 portraits before exhibiting his work in 2017. Based in London, Elbank is still looking for subjects to take part. So, if you're interested, the photographer is accepting emailed applications with a passport style photograph attached.


Brock Elbank: Website | Instagram | Tumblr | Facebook
via [Buzzfeed]

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