
April 11, 2024

British Man Nicknamed the “Hardest Geezer” Runs the Length of Africa in 352 Days

It took Russ Cook 352 days to run the length of the African continent. The 27-year-old Englishman from West Sussex departed from South Africa on April 22, 2023, and on Sunday, he made it to the Tunisian coast, bringing his adventure to an end. In total, Cook covered 9,940 miles (16,000 kilometers) in his run, and averaged about 47 miles (or 65 kilometers) a day, only taking days off due to logistical or medical issues.

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April 8, 2024

College Students Raise $30K To Help Security Guard Visit Family in Nigeria

Friends are often cherished as the family you choose. The heartwarming friendship between students living in Raymond Hall at Providence College, a Catholic college in Rhode Island, and the building's security guard, James Mogaji, is no exception. A group of students who have grown close with Mogaji discovered that the school employee had not returned to Nigeria to see his family in 11 years. This stunned the students and prompted them to take action.

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